Symbol: titan
Poslední aktualizace: 30.04 2024 21:51
Aktuální cena (USD): 0,00300 $
Cena (BTC): 0,00000008 BTC

TitanSwap is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that aims to improve on the user experience of existing decentralized exchanges (DEXs). It does this by optimizing the automatic market-making algorithm, providing better asset pricing and reducing slippage for users. TitanSwap also incorporates the concept of elastic automated market-making, which allows the system to adjust the pool's parameters based on the changing market conditions. Furthermore, TitanSwap is designed to be cross-chain compatible, meaning it can facilitate token swaps across different blockchain networks. This interoperability expands the reach and utility of the TitanSwap platform, making it more accessible to a broader range of users and assets. One of the key features of TitanSwap is its focus on user-friendliness. The platform provides a smooth and intuitive experience for traders, which can help attract users who may be put off by the complexity of other DeFi platforms. TitanSwap's governance token, TITAN, enables holders to vote on proposals that affect the platform, including changes to the protocol or upgrades. This token also incentivizes users by distributing a portion of the trading fees to TITAN holders, aligning their interests with the success of the platform. Overall, TitanSwap is striving to make DeFi more accessible and efficient by building a user-friendly interface on top of advanced technical innovations in the space.

Kde koupit TitanSwap?

Fully Diluted Valuation ⓘ: 15 311 200 $

Tržní Data

Pozice: 2206
24h Objem: 69 288 $
Tržní kapitalizace: 2 263 020 $
Celkové množství: 1 000 000 000
Mincí v oběhu: 0
Poslední aktualizace: 2024-04-30 21:51:24
Změna ceny (1h):
-0.246322 %
Změna ceny (24h):
-3.91828 %
Změna ceny (7d):
-10.0889 %

Sociální Média a Zdroje

Nejvyšší cena (ATH): 9.56 $ (2021-07-09 22:16:07)
% od ATH: -99.8399 %
Nejnižší cena (ATL): 0.00050013 $ (2023-05-09 19:04:30)
% od ATL: 2961.48 %
ICO Cena: N/A (2023-11-26 05:28:33)
Hashovací Algoritmus: N/A
Typ Důkazu: N/A

Technická analýza dle webu Tradingview.com


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